Scale peer tutoring for every student on campus
Boost student persistence and retention with a tutoring program that enables your students to support each other — with coverage available for every course.
100+ campuses launched
Tutoring for every student
We’re not an outsourced solution. Knack partners with your team to build a larger network of peer tutors that creates options for your students and increases your ROI using an innovative demand-driven model.
Unlock support for every course
Design your program to target the courses and populations that need it most.
Do more with less
Allocate budgets toward student learning and development while measuring outcomes more efficiently.
Create employment opportunities
Scale flexible, high-impact peer tutoring jobs to best-fit students on your campus
We helped the University of Florida grow peer tutoring by 619%
The University of Florida delivered 17,000+ hours of peer tutoring in a single academic year – without additional staff or overhead expenses.
of students had previously never used campus tutoring before Knack
of session activity happened outside traditional work hours
of UF’s peer tutor network relied on Knack as their sole source of income.
Your all-in-one partner
Our easy-to-use mobile and web platforms and team of friendly higher education professionals enable your institution to deliver a powerful peer tutoring program.
I’m excited about Knack’s approach to helping colleges and universities harness technology to scale purposeful peer-to-peer interactions in ways that benefit both students and the institution.
George Kuh NSSE Founder, High-Impact Practices Expert & Senior Advisor to Knack
Amazing experience, my tutor truly helped me understand the questions which I was confused about, as well as went into depth, and settled my anxiety before the test.
Gillian B. Student
I like the freedom to control how much I tutor. I can easily adapt my schedule to other things going on in my life.
Samantha M. Tutor
The appointment-based model eliminated wasted spend from our tutoring program, while driving more student-tutor engagement. Our students love it!
Tiana Iruoje Director for Student Engagement and Success, IU Luddy School
My tutor was great. Even when she’s on the road she still makes sure you are getting the help you need.
Ashleigh R. Student
It’s a central platform to securely schedule tutoring sessions. I enjoy building relationships and have a sense of accomplishment through helping them!
Claire R. Tutor
Is Knack for me?
Knack works with campuses of all types and sizes: state institutions, private colleges, and community colleges — and the various academic units within each. Together, we will craft the perfect program to fit your needs, whether you’re:
Institutional leadership
Unlock peer tutoring support for all students without increasing administrative lift.
Academic units, colleges, and departments
Launch targeted support for your specific student population.
Learning centers
Supplement the hours and courses of your existing peer tutoring program.